Terms and conditions

Payments – Full payments are taken on the initial visit unless otherwise agreed prior to arrival.


Internal – quotes provided are based on a 2 part Rodenticide treatment. This includes Surveying of risks, entry points and infestation levels, followed by application of professional standard Rodenticide poisoning in a safe manor. All proofing and prevention works are charged separately. No guarantees unless proofing works are carried out by us.

External – quote is based on 3 part rodenticide treatment (visits 2 weeks part) no proofing can be applied. Further visits are chargeable.

One way valve fitting – if a one way valve is fitted by ourselves we will offer a 2/3 week check up to confirm drain / valve is flowing correctly, After this follow up the drain and valve is the responsibility of the customer to check regularly


Quotes provided are based on a 2 part Rodenticide treatment. This includes Surveying of risks, entry points and infestation levels, followed by application of professional standard Rodenticide poisoning in a safe manor. All proofing and prevention works are charged separately. No guarantees unless proofing works are carried out by us.


quotes provided are based on a 2 part trapping treatment with additional 3rd visit offered if required. further visits are chargeable and proofing works are charged separately.

Rodent proofing

a quote will be provided for Proofing after initial survey. A 6 month guarantee (unless otherwise stated) is offered with we undertake the proofing works.


Quote provided is based on an insecticide dusting treatment (unless other method is pre agreed). Treatment takes 6-8 to take full effect. Guarantee period is from 24 hours to 7 days after treatment. Evidence of activity may be requested. Any issues after 7 days is chargeable.


quotes provided are based on a 2 part insecticide spray treatment. A list of preparations will be sent to customer before initial visit is carried out. If all preparations recommendations are met, we offer a 1 month guarantee starting from completion of 2nd visit. If preparations are not carried out, we reserve the right to take photo evidence and no guarantee can be offered. Further visits will be charged.

Property must be vacant during treatment & for 4 hours after completion.

All other insects

All quotes are based on a 2 part insecticide spray treatment. We offer a one month guarantee (unless otherwise stated) starting from the date of the second visit. Further visits after this time are treated as a re-infestion and are chargeable.
Property must be vacant during treatment and for 4 hours after completion.

Missed visits – All initial visits and follow ups are Pre-arranged, if the Customer misses a visit we will offer one reschedule as a good will gesture, Any missed visits after that will incur a call out fee.

Effective Pest solutions reserve the right to adjust the original quote onsite if works involved require additional works.

Call Outs

A standard call out fee of £60+ VAT can be charged if we attend site and no works can be carried out and/or a pre booked appointment is missed.

Pest identification

Treatment plans are offered based on evidence provided / found. Effective pest solutions do not take responsibility different pest become apparent after treatment has begun. Quotes may be adjusted.